Speaker Testimonials


Kate Darling, Speakerin auf der #rp13; Foto: Gregor Fischer (CC-BY-SA 2.0)

Was unsere Speaker über die re:publica sagen:

"For us as Communicators of the European Space Agency, since quite some time re:publica is a favourite event of the year - it is in fact the one where we can directly connect with our audiences and stakeholders - and receive honest and valuable feedback on our work. It's like social media, but in real life."
Marco Trovatello, ESA – European Space Agency

"It’s an honour to be here!"
Mike Bonano, The Yes Men

"Possibly the most stimulating and enjoyable festivals of ideas and creativity and thinking that I've ever participated in."
Mark Graham, Director of Research | Oxford Internet Institute

"Die beste Show der Republik!"
Wolf Lotter, Brandeins

"re:publica is an amazing, inspiring event with a unique vibe. Thanks for a great conference!“
Kate Darling, Research Specialist | MIT Media Lab

"A great atmosphere to be in. It's like being at a music festival, but for intellectual discussions and projects." 
Mahsa Alimardani, Global Voices, Iran/Netherlands

"Smart, thoughtful and energising -- a very good place to be."
Cory Doctorow, author and journalist

“re:publica is SXSW with a European accent, the DLD and DAVOS of the people. It is a favorite conference of mine.“
Jeff Jarvis, author and professor of journalism

"re:publica is a truly global event, with a diverse range of speakers who are unafraid to speak truth to power."
Jillian C. York, EFF, Director for International Freedom of Expression

"re:publica is not just a conference – it  is a meeting and discussion space for people coming from different backgrounds, with various levels of expertise and experiences but sharing the same openness and curiosity. Friendly warning: these encounters may turn out to be addictive!"  
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, PANOPTYKON FOUNDATION, Poland

"Wer meint, die re:publica sei ein Klassentreffen, hat Recht.
 Wer meint, die re:publica sei nur ein Klassentreffen, hat keine Ahnung.“
Anke Gröner, Bloggerin

“The beauty of re:publica is in its diversity and the meeting of minds to brainstorm future challenges for Europe and the space it gives for different currents of thought and ideas to meet.”
Helen Darbishire, Access Info Europe, Executive Director

“re:publica for me was an extraordinary gathering of some of Europe's best minds. The speakers engaged me, the participants challenged me and most of all the environment brought about some of the best discussions I've had in a while. All this, as my first time in Berlin makes the conference and the city one of my life's best experiences so far.”
Mark Kaigwa, Entrepreneur & Filmemacher

"Very few forums manage to attract activists and policy makers; hackers and technologists; digital media enthusiasts and skeptics; and ends up leaving impacting all of them positively. Re:publica is one of those"
Fadi Salem, School of Government , Dubai

"Die re:publica ist aus Berlin nicht mehr wegzudenken - auch sie macht Berlin zur Hauptstadt des Internets."
Björn Böhning, Chef der Senatskanzlei Berlin

"2012 was my first time at re:publica. The event is terrific and inspiring. Most of all it brings together great people from all backgrounds and this diversity results in a truly open, indepth and challenging debate about our digital age"
Prof. Alessandra Poggiani, University of Rome and CATTID research center

"I can't think of any other social media event as informative, engaging, comprehensive, participatory and fun as re:publica"
Markos Lemma, ICT and innovation consultant Äthiopien

// Bildnachweis: re:publica/Gregor Fischer (CC BY-SA 2.0)