
This sub-conference is all about fashion, technology and Wearables, the latter becoming particularly interesting in connection with the Internet of Things (IoT). The event unites gadgets, hacking and fashion, thus bridging technology and design.

The new day-long sub-conference of the re:publica 2015 on May 5th, #FASHIONTECH BERLIN, is all about fashion, technology and Wearables. The event unites gadgets, hacking and fashion, creating a (long overdue) bridge between technology and design. Wearables, and their potential for all-encompassing connectivity, have become particularly interesting in connection with the Internet of Things (IoT). It will take place on the first day, May 5th. Next to the talks, there will be a lab with additional sessions, workshops, meet-ups, and an exhibition space.

On the second day of the #rp15, the lab will remain in place, and will focus on the Internet of Things in connection with design. On the third day of the conference, the lab will be dealing mainly with the issue of Wearables in fields like sports, healthcare or medicine.


Hardware Entrepreneurship in Europe — How AtomLeap Accelerates Hardware Startups

Hardware — other than Bay Area-like software — is a field Germany’s leading. World class 'Mittelstand’ companies have long been the pinnacle of inventiveness, excellence, and job creation. Truly global competition and ever shorter product cycles necessitate a new approach towards innovation.
05/06/2015 - 12:45 to 13:15
re:publica 2015

Common Hardware Startup Pitfalls – How to Validate, Design and Manufacture Your First Product Right

Thanks to 3D printing, developer kits, crowdfunding and the IoT wave, hardware became en vogue. Nevertheless, hardware is still hard and most projects fail! You should attend the talk, if you want to learn about the most common hardware startup challenges during an average first year and how you can solve them.
05/06/2015 - 12:15 to 12:45
re:publica 2015

The Woven Internet – How the internet turns into a sixth human sense

According to Gartner the Internet Of Things and especially Wearable Electronics are amongst the "Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015". Where do we go from here? Is the current trend of advertising agencies using it as means to gain attention to make their campaigns even more successful all there is? Can it be used to improve our quality of living for all of us?
05/05/2015 - 12:15 to 12:45
re:publica 2015

Medizinische Wearables – Schöne Vision einer gesunden Zukunft oder der nächste Schritt in die Komplettüberwachung?

Das wird also die Zukunft der Medizin, unternehmen wir doch eine kleine Zeitreise von den Gesundheitstools, die jetzt verfügbar sind zu dem was im Jahr 2030 sein wird. Tragbare Gesundheitstools – Wearables sollen uns helfen noch gesünder zu bleiben. Um zu verstehen, was wir Gesunde, Patienten_innen und Ärzte_innen mit diesen Systemen können und wie können wir Teilnehmer des Gesundheitswesens diese Entwicklung aktiv mit gestalten?
05/07/2015 - 17:30 to 18:00
re:publica 2015

Reaktive Voodoo-Puppen

Experimentieren mit leitendem Garn und textilen Sensoren – Indem Kinder und Jugendliche Voodoopuppen zum Leben erweckten, konnten sie erste Erfahrungen im Bereich der „Smart Textiles“ sammeln. Mittels dieser interaktiven Kleidungsstücke oder textilen Gegenstände, die elektronische Elemente und/oder einen Mikrocontroller enthalten, erhalten sie einen spielerischen und kreativen Einblick in die Grundkenntnisse der Elektronik und des Programmierens.
05/05/2015 - 17:45 to 18:45
re:publica 2015

Data Noir: privacy as paradox in the smart city

Privacy is the freedom to selectively reveal oneself to the world. Do the citizens of a city have a right to privacy in public spaces? Will privacy survive in an age of surveillance, sensing devices and the smart city, or will it shift into an entirely new paradigm? If we lose privacy, what might we lose in the process? Can technology opt-outs be built into public spaces or does opting out paradoxically reveal oneself? And how might public policy address these issues?
05/05/2015 - 17:15 to 18:15
re:publica 2015

Empowerment by Fashion: Feministische Mode im Netz

Feminismus als Trend bei den großen Designer_innen? Gähn! Aber es geht auch anders: Internationale Modeblogger_innen, die politische Einstellungen nicht instrumentalisieren, sondern mit grandiosen Outfits jenseits vom weißen, schlanken Medienbild Aufmerksamkeit generieren. Selfies als empowerndes Mittel, um der Welt zu zeigen, wie fabulous Frauen* sind. Über das Netz verbreitet sich ein neues Verständnis von Feminismus und Fashion – wir zeigen Trends, Dresscodes und Role Models.
05/05/2015 - 15:15 to 15:45
re:publica 2015