Rene Parker

Speaker profile

Rene Parker

René Parker is the Director of RLabs an International Living Lab movement with a strong focus on Community-driven Innovation and Social Change. RLabs currently have activities in Africa, United Kingdom, Europe, Asia and South America. She is actively involved in the RLabs Academy and responsible for many of the training programmes with a strong focus on Innovation and Creativity as well as Social and Digital Media. She is responsible for the Women in ICT sector at RLabs.

She is also a sought after speaker with a strong focus on empowering women through technology. This passion led her to be the co-founder of a South African award winning Science and Technology blog "She's The Geek" that provides training and consulting on anything technology related. She loves exploring new gadgets and is a devoted Apple fan. Rene is also an inaugural board member of the Living Labs in Southern Africa (LLiSA) network where she fulfills the portfolio of Capacity Building and Community Development as well as Communications.

Four things her RLabs team in Cape Town say about her: passionate, kind, motivated and patient.

Speaker profile