Gabriela Agustini

Speaker profile

Gabriela Agustini
Founder and Director

Gabriela Agustini is founder and director of Olabi makerspace, an entrepreneurship hub in Rio de Janeiro dedicated to the sharing of knowledge and the innovative development of tools from carpentry to robotics. She is also currently Professor of Culture and Technology at two universities in Brazil and blogger for Brazilian version of The Huffington Post (Brasil Post). She discovered the potential of the P2P network while studying Communication at the University of São Paulo (USP) and for the last 10 years has organized and participated in various projects, meetings and groups about the potential of new technologies for the transformation of society. Her experience ranges from the public sector to small startups and private companies. She formed part of the House of Digital Culture, in São Paulo, where she worked as a curator and executive director of CulturaDigital.Br International Festival held in Brazil in 2011.

Speaker profile