Welcoming the Global Innovation Gathering on Stage!


GIG 2014; credit: re:publica/Sandra Schink (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Join the international and diverse GIG community on stage and in the GIG Maker Space at #rp15 next week. And you can already meet us at the Warm-Up this Sunday, May 3rd!

Now in its third year at re:publica, the GIG community has grown into an independent action group. This year, almost 50 innovators from various countries will gather in Berlin, hailing from Brazil, Egypt, the USA, Palestine, Kenya, Philippines, Rwanda, Singapore, Madagascar, Indonesia, Nigeria, Iraq, Senegal, Nigeria, Togo, Zimbabwe, Colombia and Benin. GIG members are not only hosting the tech hub at re:publica, which includes the GIG Maker Space, but also presenting sessions on re:publica stages throughout the conference. (Find the complete overview of the GIG program here.)

Even before the kick-off at the STATION-Berlin on May 5th, GIG members will co-host the Gütermarkt #4 event on Sunday, May 3rd, in collaboration with the Center for Art and Urbanistics ZK/U. Gütermarkt #4 is your chance to meet up with the community before the conference begins. At this community market, the GIG group will present their work next to other local projects from Berlin. There will be music, food, workshops with vegetable waste, 3D printing, and a battery repair service. So get out your picnic blanket and bring your kids and friends! We are looking forward to seeing you at ZK/U for the re:publica Warm-Up!

On Tuesday, Day 1 of re:publica, we will illustrate how urban planning with social architecture improves the lives of people in cities. And instead of changing the world, we will sing with the universe, asking ourselves: “What should we make?” and “Where are we going?” On Wednesday, Day 2, the main topics are the many ways in which discovery, productivity and innovation support literacy, for instance, or social development around the world in different political and economic environments. Do you really think that education transcends social borders to create more fairness in the world?

And finally, Day 3 of the re:publica is all about digital peacebuilding innovations, conquering dengue fever with digital communication strategies, and 3D-printed medical supplies for disaster zones. What can Europe learn from African tech innovations? What are the current and future connections between the maker movement and local traditional craftsmen and artists? The ethics of employing “Big Data” is discussed in the context of regional development. The GIG participation at #rp15 will close with a non-western, global perspective on Europe and its role within the international digital economy.

We are very excited to welcome all Global Innovation Gatherers in Berlin, and delve into these and related global issues at #rp15. The Global Maker Movement is in town!
