Wanted: Volunteer Helpers for #rp14!

Update: It was so much fun! Find more information on how to apply as helper for #rp15 over here soon.

Only nine more weeks until the doors of the STATION-Berlin open to re:publica 2014. There’s still plenty to do until then which is why we need your help! re:publica lives through your ideas and your participation as well as through your physical support in making it happen. So, volunteers at the ready!

We will compensate your working hours and dedication with free entry to the conference outside of working hours, a re:publica t-shirt, and free catering during shifts at the STATION. If you’d be willing to take over more shifts, please let us know – there’s plenty to be done. Want to get involved? Then sign-up right away here (and don't forget to sign up right away for a shift).

Before re:publica we will send you all the information you'll need at re:publica - so please make sure our mails don't end up in your spam file. And if you feel like upping the ante, how about sharing this shout-out with your web community? The more people take part, the easier it's going to be for everyone. So thank you all already in advance for your support and we look forward to welcoming you as a re:publica 2014 team member at the STATION-Berlin!

UPDATE: Thank you - we now have enough helpers for all shifts and registration is closed. If you still want to help, you can send an e-mail to help@republica.de and we put you on our waiting list.

Foto CC-BY-SA 2.0 by Gregor Fischer