Radio meets web culture: radioeins reporting live from the #rp15!


The radioeins bus broadcasting live from #rp15; credit: radioeins

Radio meets web culture again at this year’s re:publica! radioeins will be reporting live from the STATION Berlin. Right from the get-go, from 4 – 7 p.m. on May 5, 2015, there’ll be a special broadcast with Katja Weber live from the radioeins bus – featuring exciting re:publica guests, a live report from the STATION and a giveaway of the last re:publica tickets.

In the run-up to the conference, radioeins will be broadcasting a special series on big data. Michael Hoelzen takes on the large masses of data in five episodes, which you can hear during “Schönen Morgen” (“Good morning”) and “radioeins 16-19 Uhr” (“radioeins 4-7 p.m.”). Listen to the first episodes here.

This week, you’ll also be able to win re:publica tickets in the weekly, early morning “Nerd vs. Geek” game. On all three days of the conference, Diane Arapovic and Tobias Jaecker will be on-site, reporting on the atmosphere, interviewing visitors and keeping you up to date with all the re:publica highlights.

Online, will be providing you with all the interviews, reports, additional info, pics and much more on a special page.

radioeins at the re:publica:

Listen to the launch on Tuesday, May 5 from 4-7 p.m., live from the radioeins bus with Katja Weber.

Reports and interviews from May 5 to 7 on “Schönen Morgen” (“Good morning”) and “radioeins 16-19 Uhr” (“radioeins 4-7 p.m.”).
