Podcast Calling: Now Hear This – the Sondersendung!


Tim Pritlove, Claudia Krell, Ralf Stockmann

As we already announced: The Sendezentrum is back! Interested visitors can get stuck-in and produce their very own podcasts or help out other podcasters in various ways.  

As expected, it didn’t take long for the broadcasting schedule to be filled: Along with a broad mix of topics from football blogs and startups, to science and SEO, to talk shows on pretty much anything else, expect to hear special droidcon and LinuxTag shows, as well as Deutschlandfunk’s culture show on Internet policy.

The Sondersendung, a two hour long magazine featuring several moderators, is there to focus on covering the comings and goings at #rp14: Interviews with guests and organisers, reports and summaries on the most exciting sessions, and much more will be presented by Tim Pritlove (Metaebene) and Claudia Krell and Ralf Stockmann (Wikigeeks), organisers of the Sendezentrum.  

Catch all of this live on location (the Sendezentrum can be found at Stage T) in the Studio Loft, via the live stream or afterwards, in the classic podcast format.


Foto: CC BY-SA Thomas Wagner
