Our Media Partners Introduce Themselves – Part 1


Can you read the binary code? Credit: visualpun.ch (CC BY-SA 2.0) http://bit.ly/1G0wAsI

After the #rp15 team started the game with some stage-ready selfies, our wonderful media partners have upped the ante! And they’ve answered our Twitter-length questions as well, as you can see for yourselves here:

Berliner Zeitung – @BLZonline

#1 What do you imagine the future of the digital society will look like?
Clever, fast – and safe.

#2 The motto of #rp15 is Finding Europe: Which digital communities or groups from the European continent would you like to get to know better?
Some of the European “democracies” where press freedom is severely restricted: Hungary, Russia, Turkey.


epubli – @epubli

#1 What do you imagine the future of the digital society will look like?
It is we who determine the future of the digital society: through education, awareness, and contemplation #FindingEurope #rp15

#3 We have developed a special iconography to reflect our motto: What would be a suitable icon for Europe, in your opinion?
Europe is shaped by its people – we should shake hands and collaborate to achieve more together #FindingEurope #rp15


eurotopics – @eurotopics

#1 What do you imagine the future of the digital society will look like?
Open Data will become a standard everywhere, and privacy will be better protected online from data gathering and government surveillance.

#2 Which digital communities or groups from the European continent would you like to get to know better?
If the crisis-ridden youth of Europe is convening somewhere digitally, we would like to hear more about that place.


Nein Quarterly – @NeinQuarterly

#1 What do you imagine the future of the digital society will look like?
To be honest, I try not to imagine it at all. Maybe more society. Less critique.

#3 What would be a suitable icon for Europe, in your opinion?
An Ikea shelf “Billy”, after moving house three or four times. 
