Experience the #rp15 With the Mobile App


They make the conference day so much easier – #rp15 apps for iOS and Android! Credit: re:publica App by Thomas Kollbach

More than a year ago, OpenDataCity (ODC) gladly developed a standard in the JSON format for all of the conference's raw data. Now every developer can feed his or her apps with it. (Read more about the realization here). And just like last year, we’ve had various iOS and Android developers go the extra mile and create great (unofficial) apps for you. And they even created a browser-based app for all tastes. They’ll ensure a carefree conference experience and guarantee that you’re always up-to-date, even when you’re on the go. Try them out:

iOS apps

re:publica App was created by Thomas ‘toto’ Kollbach. The bilingual app offers an overview of the sessions either as a calendar or list and provides different filters for searches. The beauty of it: it reminds you about the upcoming sessions (this is done via synchronization over the iCloud). The data is downloaded and is then also available offline, with push notifications made possible. Last but not least, the app allows you to view sessions in the live stream and as video recordings.
re:publica App: iOS 8.0 and later, for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch; optimized for iPhone 5/6/6 Plus.

#rp15 by software developer Heiko Wichmann (imagomat.de) is a planning app that provides you with an overview of all re:publica sessions and events. The sessions are displayed as a list and as a timetable. As for the details – all speakers are listed with their sessions, their biography and their social media contact info. Additionally, a site plan provides a clear overview of the location. Sessions can be marked and filtered as personal favourites. After the initial loading of the data, the app can be used in offline mode. The data can be refreshed at any time via reload.
#rp15: iOS 8.0 and later, for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch; optimized for iPhone 5/6/6 Plus.


re:publica 15 was developed by Alexander Graesel (AxxG). This clear, simple and complete app provides a plan of all the sessions, information on the speakers, as well as info on the conference itself. As far as social media is concerned, the app comes pre-integrated with Twitter and YouTube clients. During the #rp15, the app will automatically update your data in the background, which is also possible manually via the download centre. Twitter and YouTube are updated through the corresponding function in the menu or via “Pull to Refresh”.
re:publica 15: Android version 4.0.3 and later, file size: 4.9 MB.

Browser-based App

rp15 Web App by frontend developer Sandra Wiegard is an elegant alternative if you don't want to download an app including the data. Since the app is browser based, it can be started in every web browser. It lists all sessions in a timeline. Click on a title and it expands to its info; click on the heart-shaped icon on the left side to compile your favourite sessions as a planner and you can always return to it after a reload. It comes handy in case the network at STATION-Berlin should experience small difficulties...
rp15 Web App: All systems and browsers, no download required.
