Call for Papers


Undivided attention — Hyde Park in the 1970s; photo credit: Leonard Bentley (CC BY-2.0)

Take The Stage – Become Part Of #rp15!

Since its founding, the idea of sharing and exchanging knowledge has always been an important part of re:publica. All participants are part of a larger whole. As active participants, as helpers and volunteers, but of course also as speakers! More than half of the 300-hour programme of the re:publica comes from your submissions to our Call For Papers. And thanks to your inspiring, unusual and innovative proposals, re:publica has become what it is today – the most exciting digital conference in Europe.

With its motto Finding Europe, the coming re:publica has a special focus on the digital society of our home continent with its great cultural, economic and political richness and diversity. We are particularly happy to receive submissions matching the wide range of European topics and ideas, as well as many international applications. And of course, we are also interested in everything else that sounds surprising, enlightening or entertaining from areas like politics and society, science and technology, culture and entertainment, business and innovation, education, health, or witchcraft…

For an impression of the range of re:publica talks and topics, see last year’s programme or the documentation of past talks on our YouTube channel.

What we are looking for

Your idea, your vision, your project – creative, bold, original or reckless. Present your session as a talk, discussion format, or more practical workshop or activity. Only condition: it musn’t be boring!

What we offer

A stage, and a lot of attention for your contribution. Be a part of re:publica when it opens its gates from May 5 to 7, 2015, to welcome 6,000 international visitors and 450 speakers at the STATION-Berlin.


The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2015.


Register for a Speaker Profile. If you were a participant at re:publica 2014, you just need to update your profile. On your profile, you can add a suggestion for a session. You will be notified by the end of February whether your submission has been accepted.

You want to join?

Have a look at our FAQs for more information and submission guidelines.
