Call for Papers - Join our Science Lab!


Schneeflocken unter dem Mikroskop / Microscopic closeup of snowflakes

Science Lab @ re:publica

The 2014 Year of Science – an initiative by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) together with Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) – has teamed up with the digital society. We at re:publica are pleased to engage with the framework of this dialogue by presenting a specific programme focus during rp14: Science Lab @ re:publica.

Our Science Lab consists of a two day sub-conference on ‘Open Science’ (may 7-8) and a ‘Youth Science Hack Day’ (may 3-4) which will take place during the weekend prior to day one of #rp14.

Collaborative working, open access and open data, hackathons for scientific implementations… the digital society has done more than just create new buzzwords – it has changed the foundations of modern scientific research.

Never has it been easier to share knowledge and resources and, of course, this digital-based cultural achievement cannot be amiss at re:publica. So, if you have a weak spot for number arrays, statistical anomalies or hands-on nerd tinkering – this one’s for you!

Youth Science Hack Day

The Youth Science Hack Day is for everyone who wants to bring science and technology closer together. You’re over 18, studying or in a trainee programme, a (burgeoning) developer, designer, scientist, hacker or simply interested in science and have some exciting ideas? This is the place for you! Further information on the Youth Science Hack Day will be made available on this blog soon.

Open Science - sub-conference

Science and research are more than just accompaniments to the digital transformation of our society; they shape technological innovations and move research questions from different disciplines to the forefront. The sub-conference will focus on three specific thematic areas: Open Access, Open Data and Open Process. In five sessions each, German and international speakers will come together and explore the possibilities and limits of knowledge and research. From hypothetical scenarios to digital topics in the humane sciences to actual rocket science – and once again we are challenging you.

Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for the sub-conference starts today and ends 27 March. Registration and session suggestions can be submitted through our website. More information on how can be found on our overall Call for Papers page.

For your orientation, here a couple of lead-questions we want to cover in our programme:

  • How can science speak to an audience and communicate with the public? What about communication with science from the outside?
  • What possibilities do the publishing of raw data provide for research, business and the wider society?
  • How can the digital knowledge society affect the perceived ivory tower of science? Can it make science more accessible, for example for lateral newcomers?
  • Will more expert knowledge be consumed and implemented when presented appealing, digital, and interactive manner?
  • What about copy-rights? Who does knowledge belong to and what can/should/ought one do with it?

Here are themes we would like to make more tactile through current topics: research on Internet infrastructure, robotics and cyborgs, examples from epidemiology… basically all themes that move and influence the digital society are welcome!

The Year of Science 2014 – the Digital Society

The digital society is a society in change. Digital technologies permeate our daily lives and offer a variety of new possibilities. The Year of Science 2014 – the digital society shows how science and research drives these developments and dedicates itself to the outcomes of the digital revolution.

Photo cc by ChrisL_AK
