In the Beta-Woods - #rp14 Timetable is online!

It’s been two weeks since the first 100 sessions from this year’s Call for Papers went online. Since then, the beta programme-forest has been continuously growing and sprouting. Today, we can announce the next mile stone: the first programme schedule for our and your sessions!

The menu icon 'Timetable' is now available and shows you how our thematic tracks are intertwined. In the meantime, our programme team continues to plant new sessions and action saplings. All the times in the programme schedule for stage 1 - 6 and stage A - E are still preliminary as the final #rp14 schedule is pruned and manicured right up until re:publica opening day. So, take your time with the programme. re:publica excursions take some planning – which makes the schedule rather handy.

This way, for the wild beta woods.


Foto: CC BY 2.0 Oleh Slobodeniuk