Severin Halder

Speaker profile

Severin Halder

Severin Halder is part of the collective orangotango and PhD-Student at the Freie Universität Berlin. Since 2008 orangotango is working on critical education and supporting self-organized structures within the context of everyday resistance, emancipatory struggles and social movements. Inspired by activist geographies and the „pedagogy of autonomy“ (Paulo Freire) we want to create solidarian relationships, horizontal knowledge exchange and a combination of theoretical reflexions with practical interventions. In recent years we are focussing on critical mapping and released the Handbook „Kollektives Kritisches Kartieren“. We realised collective mapping workshops amongst others within the contexts „right to the city“, (urban) agriculture, street art and commons in Germany, Romania, Belarus, Austria, Italy and Colombia. Principal inspiration for our collective mappings are the „Iconoclasistas“ and the „Nova Cartografia Social da Amazônia“.